The previous entry, “Youth Crews,” was the last entry I have in the Encyclopedia of Music Genres. I will undoubtedly come across some new ones and write them up for this Substack newsletter, but they will be infrequent.
Unfortunately, the length of this Encyclopedia means that attempting to scroll down to the very beginning will probably cause a memory crash. You can perform searches on uncommon words like “Afrikaans” or “Thrashcore,” but Substack searches on common words like “guitar” or “blues” will turn up a sample of about 10 entries, probably not including anything you are looking for.
To appreciate these music genres further, I have created YouTube playlists for all the entries and divided them up into large categories that include perhaps 10 to 40 subgenres in each. Go to the general YouTube site and add the following string to the URL: /user/cryptokaptar/search?query=Genres
You should get something that looks like this:
Doing this project has made me appreciate many genres that I was not familiar with. Although quite a bit of the text itself has come from Wikipedia, sometimes the information is difficult to locate, and it often has much that does not define the music itself, so I have edited all that out.
Thank you all for your loyal following over the past year and a half! It’s been quite a musical odyssey.
A amazing resource. Will return often. thank you for the research and links. I discovered so much new.