A grassroots electronic dance music genre that originated in Davao City, southern Philippines, and eventually spread in Bisaya-speaking regions. Based on house music and indigenous Sama-Bajau beats, it is considered the first Filipino electronic music, characterized by its heavy use of percussion, hypnotic bass, high-pitched “tiw ti-ti-tiw” whistle hooks, and organic urban noises. It features 140 BPM four-on-the-floor patterns, pulsating basslines, multiple percussion layers, distorted and repetitive vocal samples, and DJ fills placed throughout the track. It was created to complement a form of freestyle street dance that bears the same name. Unlike most dance music that is commonly played in nightclubs, budots is performed in outdoor venues like basketball courts. The music has an element of virality, as its distinct repetitive sound and the craziness of its dance moves serve as the background of a number of Filipino internet memes. 2009– .